Thursday, August 12, 2010

Innovation And Invention

Lol no ideas are original. That's what we learned yet it's only mentioned in that controversial blockbuster hit, Inception. Also mentions the exact same statement at the beginning of the film.

Well, if we put it that way, let me look at an important invention today. Let me think. Um um um, uww I got one! The airplane! Oh I thought of it because I'm listening to a song concerning airplanes; Airplanes featuring Hayley Williams of Paramore by B.o.B. LOL Enough about that, airplanes as you know were invented by the Wright Brothers in the 1903. That was the year the first plane flew of the ground successfully. If we're going to look at the concept of idea not being original, let's take a look on this invention.

Now I made a little research myself, and Wikipedia states that Leonardo Da Vinci had a few designs himself but never had the chance to create it. Back to the concept again, Da Vinci may have picked up from an idea by a Greek Inventor; a bird shaped model device. Back to the concept yet again and this idea is obviously inspired by a bird. See? It ain't original. HAH!

Music may come from the tweet of birds.
Telephone is inspired by communications with a little distance.
Is there even an original idea, really? :O

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