Sunday, September 19, 2010
Creative multimedia is one of expandable industry in the world. It is well known as the technologies are now are improving towards productivity. According to Wiktionary, creative is having the ability to create something original, expressive and imaginative. Multimedia is defined as media and content that uses a combination of different content forms which includes a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, video, and interactivity content forms based on Wikipedia. Creative multimedia is significance to almost every industry available on Earth. According to MSC Malaysia, everyone from filmgoers to Internet users and educationists, student, engineers, and businessman will generate this demand for content. Content that will be required for a variety of daily needs - from information, learning, skills development, entertainment, telecommunications, edutainment to news. Convergence has resulted in not only a greater demand for creative content, but requires it to sustain commercial viability.
In the aspects of entertainment, creative multimedia industry have contributed and stressed more on this field. It is widely used and well-known for its interactivity and the quality it can reach to. Entertainment is one of the industries that people concentrate more in their daily life. Demand of entertainment are high since everybody loves to enjoy, relax and have fun after a long stress day due to works and lifestyle. Some of them are naturally an entertainment fan. Movies, animation and gaming experience are enhanced by the existence of creative multimedia. The creative aspects of these industries are on how the character are designed which is on how attractive it looks like, the creativity of the storyline, and on how the character and storyline were put together in a scene. The multimedia part is more to the technical part, which is on how the qualities of the movie whether it is in high definition, how neat is the rendering process, lightning, sounds effects, and character voice projection.
Besides entertainment, advertising industry also uses creative multimedia. Marketers are getting smarter nowadays as they tend to choose to advertise their product in a creative way rather than using traditional, simple and plain advertisement. Creative multimedia advertising involves web designing, banner designing, video designing and other interactive ways of interacting with buyers. It is a smart technique to use creative multimedia advertising as it is compatible with the purposes of advertising which are to promote, sell and attract buyers. Principle of design is used to make sure that it will not just attract the customer, but to make sure they come back and buy them again. Marketers have to make sure that they give out strong messages to describe their products and creative multimedia advertising provide this to their client.
On the same page as entertainment, the animation production is another element of creative multimedia. Animation can be easily defined as a rapid display of a sequence of images of 2-D or 3-D artwork or model positions in order to create an illusion of movement. Similar to advertising, creativity is a must to do in this trade as they need to attract consumers for their product. Animation design can be defined in many ways such as in films, advertising, and much more. A succesful animation company makes a mere six billion American Dollars yearly. This due to the fact that the consumers are not only children, but adults as well.
On the other hand, interface design is another aspect of creative multimedia. It is the design of computers, appliances, machines, mobile communication devices, software applications, and websites with the focus on the user's experience and interaction. Interface design is actually an important element of creative multimedia. All of our daily appliances are based on it and in these modern ages, interface design has a goal of designing their new products to be as simple as possible as we live in culture in which our tools are simple. Nowadays, consumers by the thinest product, the lightest product, and many more. An example of a software used for this type of design is Autodesk 3D Max in which we can create an object using creativity in 3D as nowadays 3D is the new ‘in’ thing.
One of the most popular elements of creative multimedia is also vector graphics. Vector graphics are the use of geometrical primitives. On the other hand, vector graphics are points, lines, curves, and shapes or polygons which are all based on mathematical equations to represent images in computer graphics. Vector graphics are complementary to raster graphics which are images in the form of pixels which grids of small rectangular cells, as it is typically used for the representation of photographics images. The smaller and closer these cells together, the better the quality due to the sharpness and high resolution of the graphic.
Vector graphics can be done are mostly done on Adobe Illustrator. Adobe Illustrator has the fuctions to create and edit vector graphics. To edit these graphics, it can be done with strecthing, twist, colours and much more. Vector graphics are a type of media that is used for entertaiment such as logos. Most famous logos are vector graphics such as the flower on the Visit Malaysia 2007 logo. On the other hand, the W3C standard for vector graphics is SVG, which means they are scalable.
As a conclusion, creative multimedia plays a huge role on society. Whereas the number and quality of economic evaluations of creative multimedia have increased in recent years and more creative product such as advertising and animation have been shown to be of good value, the majority of creative multimedia still remain to be evaluated. It is evident that all the other positive outcomes of creative multimedia industry are substantially high. Based on that, we can predict that according to the graph of the creative multimedia industry will grow rapidly as it is been one of the main human necessity for our daily life in the future. Moreover people used this industry as the platform to share the ideology and composition of design to the world.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The Kubrick In You
Innovation And Invention
Unique Logos!
Lol this one's so colorful!
I got it!
Now this one's cool.
How Does Bung Look To Me?
The Persitance of Memory by Salvador Dalí
Awesomeness. The art work really pulls me. Some people mentioned that the melting clocks can refer to the irrelevance of time. You can describe this artwork in so many ways! Makes your mind go berserk just thinking about it. And that's is why I love surrealism. It inspires me so much. ♥
So, What Is Creativity?
Artwork by Lora8 of DeviantArt